“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”
- Anatole France
Saving animals one Om at a time
OM FOR ANIMALS is our commitment and yearly donation to Animal Aid India, a vital rescue centre, hospital and animal sanctuary in Udaipur, Rajasthan India.
This has is a permanent initiative that is at the very heart of the Be Here + Love brand.
From every item you purchase, we donate a small percentage at the end of every year that helps to transform the lives of countless animals by providing urgent medical treatment, vaccines, food and rehabilative care.
Animal Aid is an extraordinary animal charity. To date they have rescued and helped over 70,000 injured dogs, cats, cows, donkeys and birds from the streets of Udaipur.
In 2019 they took 23,550 calls requesting help for injured animals on their streets. They welcomed 26 new patients every day. 9,384 animals were admitted into their hospital for life saving treatment and every day within the sanctuary 687 animals received care and medical treatment. On top of this they vaccinated 8,266 dogs and spayed and neutered 1317 dogs once they had healed.
Words from Animal Aid Co Founder
Erika Abrams – CO Founder (2018)Thank you so much, what a big tremendous donation to Animal Aid Unlimited. I am so touched by your kindness. We’ve received your donation as a personal gift to the animals. Those in the shelter now and for the animals on the Indian streets who need urgent relief. You are helping them and are part of their healing now.
Erika Abrams – CO Founder (2019)Thank you so much for your immense kindness to have donated once again to Animal Aid. Your donations go straight towards street animal rescue and are a great help to animals and to me personally. Sometimes I get down about the way animals are treated, but your donation reminds me that there is another soul out there who sees animals as I see them, who understands what many do not: that animals are angels, and it’s a big privilege to help them when they fall.
Erika Abrams – CO Founder (2020)Thank you. You really make the words of Be Here & Love come true.