Our mission at BE HERE & LOVE is to inspire more peace, presence and love in the world and what better way to do this than to spread the message of love everywhere our clothing goes!

We are always amazed and in awe of where our brand ends up in the world. This month alone we have been privileged to see BE HERE & LOVE in Mexico, Dubai. Bali, Spain and Germany -  It literally makes our heart burst!

So... where next?

To celebrate this we are launching 'THE LOVE HEARTS PROJECT' a beautiful, exciting and visually stunning idea we would love you to be a part of.

All you have to do it take a photo of yourself with or in front of a heart. The heart can be part of a beautiful landscape, or something you have found on your travels or retreat. It might be a heart you were drawn to photograph before or one that has always stuck in your memory or claimed your heart.

We want to see our love tribe all over the world!

Just take a photo and tag us with #theloveheartsproject and we will share your photo in our stories!

We hope this has captured your hearts as much as it has captured ours.

We can't wait to see you spreading the love!



A huge thank you goes out to Dannii Jordana at Sangye for these incredible photos from her recent retreat to Bali and Sophie Boo in Dubai.